

不是的,IB是国际文凭组织IBO授予的学历体系,而NUS是继牛津、剑桥之后世界最著名的三大高等学府之一(当然其他两个学校也不差啦!)。 虽然IB课程受到很多国家的认可,但目前只有英国和加拿大完全承认IB为他们的高等教育入学途径之一,德国也部分承认。其他国家大多不承认IB学分。 但新加坡作为英联邦成员国之一,其所有公立大学的学历都得到英国的全面承认,所以IB在新加坡的大学里得到很好的传承。 新加坡有两所名牌大学——新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学,都提供IB课程。另外四所大学——淡马锡理工学院、义安理工学院、共和理工学院及新学院,也都开设有IB课程供学生选择。而原属五所理工学院之一的莱佛士音乐学院,现在属于新学院。

对于想进入新加坡国立大学或南洋理工大学的学生,必须在高中就修读它们的预科课程,用Alevel或者IB成绩申请才有希望被录取。以2019年录取数据为例,在534名录取本科生中,98%的学生拥有IB高分,平均分为41.7分;而163名录取研究生中,95%的学生拥有IB加分,平均分为39.4分[1]。 除了本科硕士博士外,新加坡这两所名校也提供各类职业进修课程,满足不同层次学生的需要。

不过话要说回来,虽然这两个学校的学术要求非常严格,但环境却十分灵活自由。只要平时好好学习,考试好好准备,作业按时完成,没有什么是不能解决的。 更重要的是,在这种高标准严要求的培养下,学生的自主学习能力能得到很大的提高。



I'am 7th year in National University of Singapore(NUS). We are required to complete IGCSE or equivalent as a prerequisite for admission and must obtain the score of C/6-4 in at least five subjects in order to be accepted by NUS.

In addition, we need to maintain an overall point average (GPA) of 20 out of 30 points on our academic transcript from our secondary school, in all IB level courses that were taken in the same semester(s) while completing the IGCSE exam, as well as one more course after completion of this examination which can help you with some elective credits towards your degree. The GPA will have been calculated based on final grades obtained so it does not matter if you had low scores in first few weeks just like me who still passed my exams due to hard work but got very high marks subsequently.

National university is known for its rigourous programme and no free pass system here but they do provide flexibility with respect to time spent on each subject depending upon how students wish to proceed through their undergraduate studies. You cannot take up an entire set of modules together because of certain limitations imposed regarding module sequencing within your major area. But what you can study depends greatly on whether you meet the entry requirements into particular degrees offered under the Faculty of Science, Arts & Social Sciences etc... There might also be other factors such as gender balance policy too.
