

UCL的的语言课是分两个阶段的,第一个是pre-sessional course(线上),第二个是post-sessional course (线下)。一般5周和8周的pre-sessional会在每年的6月份开放,10周和12周的会在9月份开放,但是每年都可能会有所不同,需要同学密切关注学校发放的消息~

我是在2021年7月份拿到了offer,然后8月份开始上的pre-sessional,在第二年3月份参加了final exam。总的来说我的体验还是蛮好的,虽然每天跟网课打交道也挺累的 but u know....

The content of the pre-sessional is basically all about preparing you for yourdegree course. It goes into a lot of detail on the academic writing style and how to use British libraries etc. There are two teaching methods - lectures and small group tutorials with yourtutorials taking place face-to-face in the classroom, whilst lectures can either be recorded or live depending on the module. Each week there will usually be one or two 1 hour 40 minute lectures that you need to watch along with any additional reading/resources they provide so it's really important that you do this on time as you won’t be able to catch up afterwards. The modules generally cover a variety of topics from research methodology in the social sciences to how to write an essay and what structure is expected. As someone who didn’t have much of a background in psychology before my degree, I found most of these modules very interesting and thought-provoking!

I would highly recommend going through UCL’s language support materials (link) to get a better idea of what to expect at both stages of the language programme.

On top of the regular modules, there are also workshops on offer, which may include things like using the library, presenting at conferences, researching effectively and more specific topics related to your degree area e.g. quantitative vs qualitative research. In addition to this, there are often events held by external organisations where you can hear from different speakers about their experience of studying abroad, navigating cultural differences and adjusting to life in London.

In short, pre-sessional helps you prepare mentally and academically for your degree studies so that by the time you start your degree you feel fully prepared and ready to go!
