

IELTS SPEAKING 你有没有养过宠物? (Part2新题+旧题) 有!我有过很多宠物,但是我最爱的那只狗已经去世几年了。它叫Cooper,是一只苏格兰猎犬。

我和这只狗的经历非常有意思。在准备雅思考试的时候,我住在伯克利的宿舍里。有一天我放学回家,发现楼下草坪上有个东西在闪,我以为是个瓶子或者别的什么垃圾,想捡起来扔到垃圾桶里去。结果那个东西动了,“汪”的一声,是一只狼! 一只狼在伯克利大学校园里!还是在我公寓楼下的草坪上!天哪!我当时吓得整个人都震住了。我看着那只狼缓缓朝我走来。狼的旁边,一只耳朵尖尖身体软软的宠物狗正一脸好奇地打量着我(应该是刚刚从狼窝里跑出来的小狼崽子,不知道为什么,我觉得自己好像遇见了《人狼杂交》里的情节……) 我当时大脑一片空白,只知道站在那里发愣。最后还是室友下来把我拉回去,我们匆匆收拾了下行李打车去了旧金山,在那里住了一晚才回的洛杉矶。


但是实际上,Cooper是一个非常可爱的宠物。除了不会说话,它和我的其他宠物没什么两样的。它会自己上床睡觉、在自己喜欢的沙发区域休息、会用爪子轻轻敲门暗示它想要吃东西了。我给它准备的玩具都被它玩腻了,但它最喜欢的玩具是一个蓝色的气球,每当我把那个气球拿在手上,不论它在做什么,都会马上停下转身冲过来。只要我看到它那双明亮的蓝眼睛紧紧盯着这个气球,就知道该它玩的时候了。 我和它一起度过了很愉快的四年时光,直到它去世之前,一直都很健康。

对于我来说,它是最好的朋友,也是我第一个也是唯一一个会害怕的宠物。 最后附上与Cooper的合影一张~



I once owned a cat called Lily. It was a birthday gift from my parents, and it impressed me with its bright green eyes. Whenever I stroked it, it would put on its back, with its eyes closed and its belly exposed. The cat liked to stay around people. Wherever I went, it would always follow me.

The relationship between Lily and me became closer day by day. It even understood my mood and the message I gave to it in my own way. If I was in a low mood, it would give me companionship and try its best to comfort me. If I gave it instructions, such as to sit down or get rid of the trouble, it would respond and finish the work in time. Lily was a big help in my life. It was always with me and cared for me all day.

I really loved Lily. Unfortunately, when it reached the eighth year of life, it became seriously ill and passed away eventually. Since then I have tried to keep it alive through memories, photos, and videos.
