2017.9.5 伦敦签 在北京签过两次,所以这次直接飞过来签的。不过因为前两次都过了,所以没什么心理压力。我是在爱丁堡大学读本科,大四的时候签过一次,大三时签过一次。 大四那次是因为开学比较早,8月就开学了,我是6月份去签的,当时还在实习。但是我的offer上写的是9月中旬开学(我们学校是9、10两学期),所以我提供了学校发来的邮件证明我确实在9月中才上学。然后因为我还有两个学期没读完,所以就签了T4学生签证。结果签证下来是三个月的visitor visa(就是旅游签证)。。。我表示懵逼...后来问了中介和签证官才知道原因是我实习的那家公司给我开的工资超出了规定(具体超了多少忘了,好像是1W多吧)。
大三那年暑假签的,那个时候我还只在大二下学期在读,签的就是T4学生签证了。 这次签的时候,我已经是大四下在读,而且快毕业了,我就又签了一次t4学生签证。材料什么的都跟上次一样,护照之类的就不用拿出来了吧应该。 面签过程如下: 我:Good morning sir/madam. 签证官:Have a good trip! 我:Thank you, and I hope your day is also great. How can I help you? (这个时候他看了我一下材料,然后把资料收走,就开始问我问题了) 签证官:Why did u come to UK this time? 我:I am going to graduate from my university in September ,i have been here for last two years, so i want to stay longer with all of my friends and make some memorable memories before leaving school forever. 签证官:Why do not you apply post study work? I think it will be easier if you leave now rather than when you are still studying at university, right? And what about after graduation? Will you go back China or staying on? If the latter, why don't go through post study work then? It would be better! 我:Actually I have applied for that,but they told me because there was no offer letter from their company, which is too hard to prove since companies might fake them anyway. So finally they decided to give me visitor visa. 接下来他让我补全了一些信息,比如我在哪里读书,学的什么专业等等,还问了我一些关于学校的日常的问题,比如说课程怎么安排啦,一周几节课啦这种生活相关的事;然后又问我为什么选择这个学校和这个专业,我说因为它排名高啊,老师也很牛X巴拉巴拉~总之都是些套话+我自己的见解哈哈。最后他问了我一个比较刁钻的问题“如果我去美国签,会是什么情况”(我当时一听就觉得凉凉…)我说我觉得可能会拒我。他说why?我说可能因为我学的专业太冷门了吧,在美国好像没啥人学,而且我还没毕业……于是他就给我把签证给过了…整个过程也就五六分钟,感觉还是比较宽松的。