

在准备雅思考试的过程当中,听力和阅读这两个科目相对来说比较好准备,而且提分的空间也比较大。但是很多考生在准备雅思口语的时候却毫无头绪,不知道应该从哪里着手准备。今天小易就来给大家介绍一下备考雅思口语的方法,赶快拿小本本记下来吧! 雅思口语的四个评分标准分别是:流利度与连贯性、语法多样性及准确性、词汇量、发音。

在这四个评分标准里面,最容易提高的就是语法准确度和词汇量两个方面了,所以想要提高雅思口语分数的小伙伴们一定要认真看下去哦~ 在雅思口语的考试中,考生需要谈论一个话题,这个话题就是part1和part3的话题卡。考生在回答时还需要注意语言的流畅度和自然的语音语调。因此同学们在备考的时候一定要多去练习那些自己熟悉的topic,并且把自己练习的过程用录音设备录下来,这样就能更好的发现自己的问题。

除了需要掌握基本的答题技巧之外,好的素材也是锦上添花。如果大家在准备雅思口语的题目时,能够使用一些高级的词汇和表达的话,那肯定是会得到更高的分数的! 所以大家在积累素材的时候一定要注意高级词汇和固定搭配的积累。


In China, many people pay little attention to health, especially their personal body’s conditions. Their life is usually very busy, so they do not have enough time and energy to rest. They are not willing to go out for exercise or take other actions to protect their health, either. In their opinion, there is not enough time to consider the problem of health. What they want to do most is to make more money and put their family in a better life.

In my opinion, there is a great importance of keeping health. If you are in a good health, you can do more things with more energy. On the contrary, if you have no good health, you will miss many opportunities and some important things just for staying in the bed for treatment. You will lose so many things you may not afford to lose. Therefore, it is a sensible idea to keep a good health.

I usually take some measures to keep my health well. First, I have a good balance between my work and life. As a student, I will have a long break between study and I will not study all the day. Second, I will exercise in a regular way. Some popular sports for me, include basketball, long distance running and some gym training. These kinds of sports are very effective tools for improving my health. Third, I usually eat some healthy foods every day and seldom eat delicious foods such as take-outs. I do not like these kinds of food. I think they are no benefit to my body even may let me sick easily.
