

作为在西方发达国家生活过4年的人,我真心觉得在国内买个东西10块钱左右很正常,但英国美国同等价格的东西非常贵! 比如我在加拿大西人超市买一个苹果(大概重量75g)要花1加元,合7、8块人民币;在英国同样大小的苹果要3磅多,合21、22元人民币。 我在美国买的一个巧克力蛋糕(6寸大小)花了15美元,合95元人民币;而在英国买同样大小的巧克力蛋糕要40英镑,合325元人民币。 一碗拉面(小碗)折合人民币20多元,而一盎司(相当于我们的二两)牛肉要70元人民币——这两样东西加起来比在北京上海这样的一线城市中端餐厅吃顿饭还贵! 更不用说在纽约中央火车站附近那种号称“平价”的cafeteria里,一碗没有鸡蛋没有肉的意大利面也要12美元,合80元人民币。 在这样的国家生活过以后你就会发现,国内物价真的很便宜了…… 所以如果拿英国和美国来和我国比较的话,我国的公园确实应该免费开放。

当然如果你要说英国的公园也是免费的,那么我就没话说了……不过这样的话你也别怪我国人民去国外旅游的时候到处乱刻乱画。 最后补充一点:很多人应该不知道现在外国的很多所谓“平价食品”其实成本是很高的。以前我看到过一篇报道,说是美国有很多农场主为了平抑农产品的价格会直接把农药化肥灌到他们种的玉米里,这样虽然能让玉米价格下降,但却让玉米所含的营养元素失去了平衡,对健康危害很大。


Weighing Up the Arguments

Public parks are seen as a haven from the stresses of urban life. They are a vital part of a city’s infrastructure and can bring a real quality of life to urban dwellers. Parks should be freely accessible to all citizens and used as places to congregate, relax and play. These public spaces are a part of our culture, so any talk of closing them down or starting to charge people a fee for entry into the grounds could be disastrous.

Of course, public services cost a lot of money to run. People would complain if parks fell into a state of disrepair because the public purse was strained. Public parks need to be regularly cut back and the public statues and buildings maintained. It costs money to hire gardeners and refuse collectors, to paint and to repair, to plant new trees and remove old ones. However, just because these jobs need funding doesn’t mean that people should be charged for visiting their own local park. There are other ways, like increasing taxation or raising parking charges that can cover the costs without alienating park visitors of all ages. I believe that parks are a part of local democracy and residents’ lives, so they should be free to enter at any time they wish, and I don’t believe that any good can come from introducing a fee.

Of course, there are parks around the world that are well-known and very prestigious. Maybe, in a case like this, it is reasonable to levy an entrance fee. However, this should not extend to the general park. People go to these local parks after work or take the kids to play in the park on the weekend. No one would want to go to the park just after work and have to pay to get in. This would be completely undemocratic and would alienate the poorest in society from making use of public space.
