

首先,从回报率来说,铁路和公路相比的话(同样不考虑风险和成本): 1)公路的回报率要高很多,年收益大概5%左右;而铁路的项目,目前融资利率都在6%以上,甚至更高。当然这与项目类型有关,不过也说明在现有市场环境下,铁路这种基础设施项目的融资难度更大、成本更高。


3)从投资回收期来看,公路估计要短很多。以年收益率5%来计,8亿资金30年的投资收益是120亿元,而43亿的铁道路由各种费用及支出,年利息7.3亿,按50年偿还本息计算,则本息和为365亿元。也就是说30年后铁路投资项目连本带利总共才还清了本金加上利息不到240亿元。如果是贷款,利息支出更是占很大比例。 而如果做公路,同样的8亿资金,一年后可收回1亿元人民币的收益,5年后全部收回投资。 如果算上时间价值因素,就更体现出公路比铁路赚钱。因为货币是有时间价值的,现在的1元钱并不等于当年的1元钱,如果计息,现在的一万元相当于三年前的七千多元。这样看来,今年还钱的实际数量要比按等额本息还款法计算出来的金额要多一些。 当然,凡事都是有代价的,公路虽然回报率高,但风险也大,一旦遭受自然灾害损坏或是出现车祸致使交通堵塞,造成的损失也是巨大的。

另外,除了铁路和公路之外,还有许多可供选择的基础设施项目,如港口、机场、水力发电等,投资者可以根据自身情况灵活选择。 以上信息仅供参考,不做任何投资建议!


In some countries, people are paying more attention to invest on the railway system than on the road system. To what extend to do agree or disagree with the situation and give your own opinion.

The quality of transportation system has an obvious impact on a country’s development. The investment on roads and rail-ways is now being argued. Personally, developing both in parallel is better suited for a long-term development.

On one hand, road system is indispensable in the short track transportation, within urban areas and linking cities. The reasons are that it’s easier to build but with less costs and less time. Meanwhile, it’s more flexible because the vehicles run faster on smooth roads.

On the other hand, though building railways is more expensive and takes longer, it brings many benefits. For instance, rail-ways are necessary for long-run distance. Besides, if any accidents happen, railways are less dangerous and there is less damage. Moreover, rail-ways are more environment-friendly compared to the traffic jams on roads.

In conclusion, to some level we can choose that we should invest on one of transportations, but for most conditions, building both the rail-ways and roads in the same time are better in this era.
