我的是7月12号预签的,现在还没消息 哎。。。同求解啊!不过看其他人的说法都好玄乎的样子....有没有大神能给我一个合理的解释呢??
以下转自百度知道: "关于您的问题: “什么时候有结果”其实这个问题的答案在使馆给您的信里已经说得很清楚了! 在预申签信的最前面有这样一段文字(以英国签证中心为例): “This letter is to provide you with information about your visa application. At the end of this letter, there are five questions and answers which explain why we have made our decision in this case”, 也就是说他们会在信中告诉申请人他们的决定依据是什么; 而在这封信的结尾处就是这5个问题的详细解释了。 所以各位亲们在焦虑地等待的时候不妨把预签信仔细研读一下啦~
比如: 我收到的这封预签信的最后是这样的: Question (a) Is it true that I will get a permanent residence card when my student visa has expired? No, if they offer you a place on their course then they would normally issue both an entry clearance (visa) and a Resident Permit. The Residence permit allows you to stay longer than six months but does not give you any further rights beyond those already mentioned under point four above, including entitlement to work as well as access to healthcare etc. If however, you have been granted 'indefinite leave to remain' at the conclusion of your studies then such a resident permit would be issued automatically by way of confirmation of status. You can find out more about Indefinite Leave to Remain here: URL/content/how-apply-leave-uk-general 这说明如果申请人在6个月有效期届满后仍被学校录取的话,他们会再签发学生和永久居留许可;而如果在6个月内申请了延期的话则会先获得学生的临时居留许可,该临时居留许可和英国的临时工作签证是同样的性质,所以可以在英国合法工作以及享受NHS医疗服务。
Q & A部分则详细介绍了为什么使馆会做出这样的决定。 以上。希望我的解答对同样焦急等待中的人们有所帮助哈~"