

虽然雅思官方并没有明确要求口语考试时要穿什么,但根据以往的经验来看,雅思考官更倾向于看到考生穿着得体、大方,且具有良好亲和力的形象。 因此建议考生们不要穿得过于正式(如西装革履)或过于休闲(如T恤短裤),尽量穿比较中性,同时自身也相对较有自信的着装。另外需注意,男生不要留胡子,女生不要化浓妆! 这里需要特别提醒一下大家的是,尽管雅思口语考试不像托福那么“高科技”,不存在“人脸识别”,但雅思考官在考试过程中还是可以通过观察考生的表情和肢体语言来了解考生的英语水平。所以大家在备考时最好也能注重自己这些方面练习。


Q.Do you like to travel or do you prefer to stay at home? Why ? A.I think I'm a combination of both - I definitely like to travel, but not every weekend can be spent on an exciting trip. And when I'm at home, I try and make the most of it by doing things that are important to me. So to answer your question, I think this is what makes my life interesting - going out with friends, getting new experiences and then reflecting back at home and thinking about how I can improve. Q.What kind of music do you like? A.I am a big fan of classical music, especially symphonies from Mozart, Beethoven etc. But for some reason, I also have a love of Chinese folk songs in languages that I don't understand——it's hard to explain why, but they just take me back to my childhood. I listen to them on YouTube while I'm studying English; I find that if there are words that I recognise, I start singing along in Chinese even though the lyrics mean nothing to me. This means that English sounds more natural to my ears as well. Q.Do you want to go abroad for further study or work? Where? Why? A.When I was preparing for the exam, I was really interested in the USA and Australia, so those were the two countries that I was aiming for. Now that I’ve passed the exam, I will be applying to universities next year, and I hope I can go to either one of these countries to study---maybe even both! I know that many people come to Britain after graduating from university to seek employment, so I might follow their lead and look towards working here first. But I would love to return to China as well, because it is where my roots are. 以上是为大家整理的关于雅思口语考试服饰搭配及问答范例,希望能帮到大家。
